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📚🎓 A powerful confluence of minds, ideas, and a shared vision for progress shaped our transformative three-day workshop “Towards a Culture of Learning and Assessment” at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Al Akhawayn University. We extend our deepest gratitude to our esteemed speakers and participants.

🙌 Dr. Lynn Murray-Chandler, Ed.D, PMP, Dr. Aaron Collins, Emily Gannon, VPAA Dr. Christopher S. Taylor, and Dr. Jawad Abrache – your combined expertise and dedication have enriched our understanding of fostering a thriving culture of learning and assessment.

🔍 Dr. Murray-Chandler, your insights into curriculum and instruction, project management, and leadership illuminated our path through complex topics.

🔬 Dr. Collins, your passion for STEM learning and commitment to student growth added unique depth to our discussions.

💻 Emily Gannon, your nuanced comprehension of technology integration, differentiation, and classroom best practices broadened our perspectives and will undoubtedly shape our teaching methodologies.

⚙️ Through interactive sessions, we’ve now been equipped with a shared language for approaching assessment. This new culture of inclusion views students as partners in assessment design, altering the dynamics of our educational journey.

🧭 Our exploration of diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment models has provided invaluable tools to enhance student participation and co-creation in the learning process.

👏 A heartfelt thank you to all facilitators and participants for your time, energy, and commitment. Your contributions have left an indelible impact on our university’s learning environment, and we are eager to implement these lessons, ready to witness the ensuing positive transformation.

🤝 We cherish the blossoming partnership with Southern New Hampshire University and look forward to our continued journey of learning together, driven by our shared quest for educational excellence.

🚀 Join us at CTL as we continue to shape an evolving culture of learning and assessment, underpinned by global best practices, innovative methodologies, and a relentless commitment to educational progress.