Project name: ITQANE
Period: 2011 – 2013
Providing pre-service and in-service training to teachers in more than 20,000 schools in Morocco has been a challenge for Morocco ever since independence. In the current context of an increasingly technology-friendly educational system, the integration of technology provides great added value to the production, use, and institutionalization of training modules. The main objective of the ITQANE-eLearning program was to design and deliver training sessions in the design and delivery of e-Learning courses for computer-literate pre-service and in-service teacher-trainers. The system was set up through a close collaboration between Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, the National Center for Innovative Pedagogy (CNIPE), and Creative Associate International’s Improving Training for Quality Advancement in National Education (ITQANE) Project.
The ITQANE e-Learning program went through two main phases: a training phase during the first year and an implementation/experimentation phase in the second year. The training process was launched in 2011 with the first cohort of 32 participants from all regions of the country who were identified through competitive candidature. Through a series of on-site trainings, distance learning, best practices sharing workshops, forums, and remote monitoring, the participants constitutes now a new cadre of experts who are able to design distance learning programs for Morocco’s Regional Teacher Training Centers (CRMEF). During this program, participants developed e-Learning applications for eight-core teacher training courses. They implemented and experimented with these modules during the second phase of the program. More than 550 new teacher trainees benefited from this experimentation phase in 2013.