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New Learning Managment System at AUI

By September 1, 2009July 3rd, 2017News

In the fall 2009 semester, AUI switched from Poise student information system to the Jenzabar LMS system. The POISE software was written for junior college and small college applications and was unable to handle a growing comprehensive institution. Jenzabar EX was chosen because it is a proven administrative system offered on the Microsoft® SQL Server® platform. In fact, it’s the leading SQL solution in higher education—a robust, mature enterprise-wide system that can be implemented out-of-the-box and rapidly deployed. Jenzabar EX provides thousands of configuration options for managing student information and business office data, so end users can easily configure the system to meet their specific needs. Jenzabar EX student information modules are currently in use and primed for another successful registration and orientation program.

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