
In its role to provide information technology support in teaching, CLT offers a range of services to support faculty develop and apply technological skills. Support staff is available to give daily personalized help to faculty in content development, management, and customization of LMS spaces, and making the best teaching use of technology. Other teaching services include group and individual training and workshops, individual consultations on the use of teaching technologies, and dissemination of updates and best practices about the use of new technologies in education.


Taking advantage of the CLT services could give students the technological edge necessary to excel in both the classroom and in today’s job market. Students can obtain personalized help with Microsoft Office programs like Word and Excel, and in preparing PowerPoint presentations for course projects. The center will also offer training and workshops on the use of technology to enhance project delivery. Other learning services include videotaping reference defenses for pedagogical purposes, guidance on the efficient use of the student Portal (and LMS), and dissemination of updates and best practices about the use of new technologies in learning.