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“Authoring Tools for Easy Content


By Mrs. Yousra Chtouki, SSE, AUI

Wednesday, February 27, 2013, at 16:00

CLT Lab, building 4, third floor


Today’s learners are more visual and require more interactive and diverse ways of presenting knowledge. Educational content development is then a crucial step in the success of the learning process.


In this workshop, I will give an overview of some interesting authoring tools, web-based and others, which have been used by many educators to create learning content. These tools can help AUI faculty to easily create interactive learning content combining different types (Text, Audio, Video, and Image). Some of these tools allow the reuse of existing content and/or make use of pre-designed templates. The goal is to be able to create interactive content in a shorter time and to increase productivity. The last part of my presentation will cover few authoring tools specific to Computer Science.

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